Our Programs

Photo credit: Tracy Small


    Read more about our latest event, here.

  • Mentoring Program

    Newly arrived refugees receive culturally fluent and language-appropriate streamlined services that enable self-sufficiency aimed toward social, economic, and cultural integration and the achievement of long-term individual, family, and community goals.

  • College Advising

    H2TF provides students with assistance throughout the college application process. These services include searching for and visiting colleges, filling out applications, applying for FAFSA and scholarships, and many other college-related tasks. Once enrolled, our team provides support through graduation.

  • Student Advisory Committee (S.A.C.)

    Consisting of a diverse body of graduated post-secondary student volunteers, this committee serves as a bridge between executive leadership and the H2TF students. Having the S.A.C President partake in the Board of Directors lets this student committee provide direct feedback on H2TF programming. S.A.C also offers students an opportunity to give back to the community after their time at H2TF.

  • Summer Melt

    Incoming first-year students are particularly at-risk for falling off the college grid; it is a phenomenon called Summer Melt. This program focuses on ensuring high school graduates and current college students have college enrollment support when needed during these challenging times.

At Hands to the Future, we are dedicated to empowering students with the resources they need to succeed. We invite you to access our carefully curated educational materials designed to enrich and enhance student learning.

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Thank you for joining us in our mission to support student success!